Kohlrabi salad with apple, parsley and Taverna Finest salad cheese with citrus and herbs

The aromatic Taverna Finest with citrus and herbs finds itself in good company with kohlrabi and sour Danish apples in this main course salad, which is a good side dish for four and a nice filling dish when you are only two at the table.


Step 1
Prepare a bowl of cold water and a little lemon juice. You’ll need to put the kohlrabi in the bowl after it is chopped as it can quickly turn brown.
Rinse the kohlrabi and cut off any hard parts if necessary. Now cut into thin slices – using a mandoline if convenient.

Step 2
Prepare the couscous according to the packet instructions. Mix with a little olive oil and pour into a bowl.

Step 3
Finely slice the apples, on a mandoline as well if you like, and blend the apples and the kohlrabi with the couscous.

Step 4
Add salad cheese.

Step 5
Toast the sesame seeds in a warm, dry pan until they smell slightly of popcorn and have acquired a bit of colour, and then sprinkle over the salad.
Mix the olive oil with lemon juice, add salt and pepper to taste, and pour over the salad.
Serve immediately.

Tip: You can just as easily toast a larger portion of sesame seeds, pour them into a jar and sprinkle them on other salads, warm dishes and avocados.

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