Pasta salad with egg and asparagus
This is a simple recipe for a filling pasta salad with classic Danish ingredients. This pasta salad is perfect as an accompaniment to a summery dinner or as a salad for an Easter lunch. A hit with both children and adults alike.
Break off the bottoms of the green asparagus and cut into smaller pieces.
Boil the pasta in salted water following the directions on the packet, adding the asparagus for the last minute of cooking time.
Drain off the water, and turn the frozen peas into the warm pasta and the asparagus.
Remove the bottoms of the lettuces and separate the leaves.
Mix the lettuce, cheese and pasta together, and arrange with the halved soft-boiled eggs and a sprinkling of watercress.
Mix the dressing and season to taste with salt and pepper.
Pour the dressing over the salad.
For a more substantial dish, add good-quality tinned tuna, roasted cold chicken or slightly crisp bacon to the salad.
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