Kale chips with Grill & BBQ

A taste of luxury on an ordinary Tuesday when you make this lovely warm dish with delicious green kale chips, a generous helping of hummus and of course Taverna Grill & BBQ cheese.
Enjoy this dish when you need to serve something a little more refined that is just as easy to prepare as a usual weekday meal.



Heat the oven to 200 degrees (fan-assisted oven) and then line a baking sheet with greaseproof paper.

Pull apart the kale and rinse the leaves thoroughly.

Dab them dry in a tea towel.

Place them on the baking sheet and drizzle with salt and olive oil. Stir them around a little.

Bake in the oven for 8 minutes or until the kale leaves are crunchy.

Cut the cheese into slices of approx. 0.8 cm and fry in oil in a hot pan until they form a nice crust.

Peel and grate the beetroot with a grater.

Place the chickpeas in a blender with 25 ml of the olive oil and 50 ml of water, salt and lemon juice.

Add a little more water if you think the mass is getting too dry.

Cut the apples into thin wedges. Arrange four plates with the chickpea mash at the bottom, followed by the grated beetroot, apple wedges, cheese and kale chips.

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