Green summer salad with peas and radishes
A crispy, crunchy salad is the perfect accompaniment for your barbecue. This salad has the true taste of a Danish summer and can easily be made into a main meal by adding spelt seeds or lentils.
Make the croutons first:
Cut the bread into 1 cm cubes and finely chop the herbs.
Heat a large frying pan, add 2 tbsp of olive oil and place the garlic in the oil so it takes on the flavour.
Cut the cheese into cubes and add the cheese to the pan and fry at a low heat until crisp.
Sprinkle with herbs and allow to dry on a piece of kitchen roll.
Mix the olive oil with the lemon juice and a pinch of salt.
Wash the lettuce, radishes and peas.
Chop the lettuce, radishes and apple and toss into a bowl.
Add the peas and salad cheese to the bowl and pour over the olive oil mixture.
Stir well. Sprinkle the croutons on top just before serving.
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