Brunch omelette with salad cheese, fresh tomatoes and herbs

A delicious omelette hits the spot in the morning, afternoon or evening. It’s quick to prepare and you can easily add chopped fresh vegetables, such as mushrooms or red peppers. Taverna Finest adds body to this dish so you can enjoy a delicious vegetarian meal in a flash.



Rinse the herbs and spinach and set aside.

Cut the tomato into slices.

Whisk the eggs with milk, salt and pepper and mash the salad cheese into the egg mixture.

Set to one side.

Heat a frying pan with some oil and add the spinach and nutmeg.

Sauté for 1-2 minutes until the spinach has wilted.

Add the egg mixture and the slices of tomato.

Turn down the heat, put a lid on the pan and cook until the omelette is firm.

Serve with a sprinkling of herbs and accompanied by a good bread.

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